Skin Whitening Forever

Skin Lightening Ingredients

skip to sidebar Sunday, October 28, 20120commentsThere are several skin lightening products on the market today. You havemany options, but not all of the are made fromnatural products, and a lot of them are not safe. If your goal is to use a safe skin lightening product made from natural ingredients, then the very firstthing you need to do is read the ingredients list.

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Advantages of Homemade Skin Whitening Products

Each and every person wants a clean and radiantskin. Some spend fortunes on cosmetic products that will lighten the skin andremove all the imperfections, others spend their money on esthetic operationsin the hope that their skin will look perfect. Lastly, there are people tryingto fake a healthy skin by using all kinds of makeup that will cover theimperfections and leave the impression that the skin is healthy and has noscars, wrinkles or spots.

All these people are looking for a way through whichthey can make their skin look good. Yet, what they have not taken intoconsideration is the power of natural ingredients. Fruits, vegetables andproducts coming from animals are great sources of anti-oxidants and are rich insubstances which can whiten the skin, moisturize it, attenuate the fine linesand wrinkles and give it elasticity. There are many natural ingredients whichcan be used in order to remove the dark spots and whiten the skin and as manyreasons to start trying them.

The first reason for which you should try the natural skin whitening ingredients is the fact that they have no side effects. Because most of theingredients with which the homemade skin whitening recipes are made arenatural, and are used in our everyday diet, the human  body tolerates them verywell and responds positively to the ingredients they contain.

In addition to that, because you know what you putin that homemade recipe, you know if your skin will going to react negativelyto it. There are certain products (fruits, vegetables, animal products) towhich certain people are allergic. Exclude those ingredients from your recipesand you know you will obtain a 100% safe homemade product.

Many cosmetic creams and ointments stay long enoughon the shelves for the curative properties to diminish. Because you know whenexactly you have made your product (most of them must be done on the spot andused right away) you have the certainty that the product is fresh and all theactive substances will be activated on your skin.

Unlike other products you can find in the stores,the homemade skin whitening products are quite cheap. They are made withproducts found in any kitchen so that the investment in raw material will notbe too high. Any person is able to afford this type of treatment, thus even ifyou do not have lots on money to spend on this treatment you will still be ableto carry on with it and have a white skin in only a few weeks.

Homemade skin whitening products are by far thecheapest and safest solution to the brown spots which trouble you so much. Theyare very effective and at the same nurture the skin, so that you will not onlyhave a whiter skin, but a healthier one too.


Natural Skin Whitening Mask

Wednesday, December 5, 20120commentsThere are millions of people globally who regularly use skin bleachingproducts for various reasons. Some people may have naturally dark skin and theyuse an overall skin bleaching product for their entire body, while othersdesire to fade age spots, freckles or scars. Today this industry is so largethat every single year there are thousands of new products that appear onpharmacy, supermarket and beauty store shelves.

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Great Skin Whitening Treatment Techniques

Wednesday, December 5, 20120comments
A clean and glowing skin reflects beauty and wellness that is why majorityof people try all ways and means to keep their skin healthy. If you have darkand acne-riddled skin, don't fret, there are various effective anti acnetreatment, anti aging treatment and skin whitening treatment techniques you canadapt. You have to find the appropriate treatment for your skin and even someskin whitening for men regimens. You may want to try out traditional skin carehome treatment methods. Here are some skin whitening treatment options you canuse.

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How To Whiten Skin In The Comfort Of Your Home Without Making Mistakes!

Thursday, December 6, 20120commentsWould you like to know how to whiten skin in the comfort of your own homesafely without making mistakes? Skin whitening using natural recipes can be thebest solution for skin issues like dark spots, age spots, hyperpigmentation,skin discolorations, dark scars and uneven skin tone. However, as widely usedas such natural remedies to whiten skin at home is, it is surprising that manypeople continue to make mistakes while preparing the recipes and during theapplication of the recipes on their skin. Simply by knowing the proper way toprepare, apply and store the whitening recipes, you are able to steer clear ofdisaster and also whiten your skin without spending lots of money.

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Skin Whitening Forever Review

Author : Eden Diaz - Alternative Medical Practitioner & Researcher
(Supporter Of The American Holistic Health Association AHHA)
Pricing : Retail Price $67 Only $37 Limited Time Offer

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Natural Skin Whitening Tips

There are diverse judgements upon the subject of natural skin whitening.Freckling, pigmentation, brown spots, immoderate tan, are just some reasons forit. Whitening creates solid skin color.

There are many ways to whiten the skin. There are various treatments,creams and lotions are meant for skin whitening for those who get shadow tonebecause of sun tan, age or pollution.The determining feature for skin color is melanin, which makes the skinlook darker. The fairest the skin has the lesser melanin; swarthy skin has moreof melanin production. But fairer skin is subject to be effected by ultravioletradiation than the swarthy skin, because melanin absorbs the ultravioletradiation and prevents their adverse health effects.

Natural skin whitening creams have such components as Aloe Vera, extractsfrom lemon and all those things which can make your skin whiter. They decreasethe melanin production.
To get the skin whiter you can use any whitening products: creams, soaps,lotions, herbal whitening creams, home natural skin whitening.
If you need to whiten your skin, you may find some professional skinwhitening products. Many widely known and responsible cosmetic companies offertheir skin whitening face washes, facial gels, creams, lotions to whiten theskin. You can choose any of them. It is optimum to use the same brand of facewash, lotion, day cream, soap and night cream.
Always use a sunscreen lotion over a heated term. If you are in the bathingbeach and going to swim or contrariwise staying directly in the sun, rememberto reapply the sunscreen lotion on the skin at half-hourly intervals. Sun makesthe maximum damage to your skin, so you should protect it one way or another.
Home natural skin whitening is not difficult. Here are some simple recipesto whiten your skin at home. It is reasonable to prefer natural skin whiteningif you do not need to do it permanently.
o Mix lemon juice, tomato juice, cucumber juice, moisten a napkin and applyon your skin till it dries to get a lighter solid skin color.
o Take some orange peels and dry them in sun. When they are dried enough,grind them in a mixture and make powder. Add raw milk to it, make a paste anduse it to whiten your skin everyday. Wash it out with warm water.
o Take 2 spoonfuls of gram flour, a pinch of turmeric and few drops oflemon juice and milk. Make it a paste and apply on the skin. Then scrub it off.
o Potato juice is also quite helpful in giving a solid skin color. Use itfor your skin everyday to get it whiter.
 Read More:  Skin Whitening Forever Review    A Highly Effective, Natural Skin Whitening Mask   Great Skin Whitening Treatment TechniquesShare this article :

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Skin Lightening Ingredient - Romove Dark Spots

Skin Lightening Ingredient Dark spots have a number of causes. For example, there’s the kind you get from acne scars. These are tough to get rid of! Then there’s the kind you get from sun exposure. Sunlight increases melanin production, the natural pigment in your skin that gives you a sun tan. Sometimes your melanin kicks into over drive and you end up with dark spots. Products that block this reaction can make your skin lighter. There are 5 basic types of skin lightening ingredients:
 1. Hydroquinone

 Proven to be the most effective ingredient but also the most controversial. Due to safety concerns, some countries have banned this ingredient. You can still find it in a number of products sold at different prices.

 2. N-acetyl glucosamine
 As we discussed in our post on Olay Definity, this glucosamine derivative has been proven to work in clinical trials. It’s less effective than hydroquinone, but it doesn’t have the same risks. How well it works will vary from person to person, but it’s priced low enough to give it a try.

 3. Kojic acid and alpha-arbutin
 We’ve blogged about these ingredients before; they’re used in products such as Meladerm. It’s a bit more expensive (around $50.00), but a number of our community have reported good results with Meladerm.
 4. Beta Arbutin (Bearberry Extract)
Beta arbutin (commonly known as just arbutin) is derived from the leaves of bearberry, cranberry and blueberry plants. It works in a similar way to kojic acid, in that it inhibits the production of tyrosinase to restrict the amount of pigment produced. Although naturally derived, it can cause skin irritation in some people with sensitive skin.
 5. Glutathione
Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that has several health benefits including boosting the immune system and cleansing the liver. The only known side effect of glutathione is skin whitening. All these health benefits plus a smooth, glowing, lighter skin tone - amazing! Glutathione is commonly found in skin lightening pills but can also be used topically when found in skin lightening soaps.

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Skin Whitening Forever Review
A Highly Effective, Natural Skin Whitening Mask

5 Best Recipes To Lighten Dark Skin Safely Share this article :

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5 Best Recipes To Lighten Dark Skin Safely

To get bleach skin naturally is the best approach since many hydroquinone based creams have serious secondary effects. Even if you get light skin using chemical based creams, glycolic acid or laser treatments, you could have secondary effects like hyperpigmentation or dark spots.

 The five recipes below use natural and safe ingredients that have strong whitening properties and will helping you get bleach skin you're happy with with no side effects. Plus, learn more successful skin whitening tips that you can start today.

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Simple Steps To Keeping Dark Spots and Hyperpigmentation Away

Thursday, March 28, 20130comments
 For the most modern people their appearance is essential in all current works and activities begin by finding employment and ending with finding someone with whom to share their life. Because a great appearance cannot exist without a wonderful, flawless Skin, it is important to take utmost care of it before any skin conditions will begins ruining its healthy appearance, good looking.

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How To Treat Dark Spots Caused by Acne

Wednesday, April 10, 20130comments Acne is one of the most common skin affections. Most of the time met among adolescents, acne is an ailment which can affect people of all ages. While it is, in most cases, treated with the help of specific medications, there are many situations in which acne can leave deep scars on the skin. Dark spots and scars are the most frequent marks which can stay on the skin when the acne has been treated. For those who had to deal with acne, the signs are more supportable, but yet nobody likes to have these signs on their faces. If you have been one of those unfortunate persons who had to cope with acne and are now faced with the dark patches, there are some good news: these dark patches can be treated, so that your skin will remain perfectly clean, glowing and radiant just like that of a new-born baby.

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Homemade Skin Bleaching Recipes - Skin Bleaching Masks

 The market is today awash with skin whitening products, but  many of them either don't work, and they end up doing more damage than good. Some Products are simply too soft, whereas others contain harsh and potentially dangerous chemicals, and if you are  like me, you won't want chemicals anywhere a close of your skin, and most definitely not on your face.

Nowadays, there are various factors which can lead to dark spots  on a person's skin. They can be caused by longterm using chemical based skin care products, just as they can be caused by contaminants, pollutants, or from spending too much time in the sun.

Unlike what skin care manufacturers can tell you, skin lightening products that are designed to be applied directly to individual spots can never give you the sort of results you are hoping for. Rather, such products make the appearance of spots even worse, because while they might whiten the dark spots, they also end up lightening the skin which surrounds the spots, thereby making the spots look even largest and bigger. There are however some natural skin whitening creams which functioning by gradually mixing the different skin tones, and these are the only type which I recommend.

Whether you decide to use a productt available on the market, you can whiten skin tone progressively and safely by using one or other homemade recipes. Below are three such recipes, and the good thing about these is the fact that they also benefit your skin in other ways too.

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Contrary to common perception, touching a frog will not give you warts. Warts are viral infections of the skin, small harmless tumours caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). Typically they grow on hands but can appear on any skin surface; plantar warts usually grow on the soles of feet. Warts are common in children aged 12-16 although 30% of them vanish by themselves within six months. The virus enters the skin after direct contact with an infected person or from warm, moist environments, such as a locker room. Most warts do not need to be treated and will go away on their own as your immune system overcomes them within months or years. There are, however, many non-prescription and prescription medicines and no shortage of home remedies to consider.

Non-prescription and prescription cures

When treating warts, the intention is effective removal that produces no scarring and prevents recurrence or future spreading. Non-prescription medicines include salicylic acid, a topical treatment applied frequently which softens the wart-forming skin layers so they can be rubbed off. It is currently the most desirable treatment, based on effectiveness and safety, but may take weeks or months to work. Prior to recommending these products, pharmacists must determine whether self-treatment is appropriate. Patients with painful plantar warts, outbreaks in one body region, and warts on the face, fingernails, toenails or genitalia should be referred to a dermatologist for treatment. Others with diabetes and certain other conditions shouldn't use these products.
There are other prescription medicines less commonly used, including retinoid cream that can be applied at home to disrupt the wart's skin cell growth. Cantharidin and bichoracetic acid (BCA) are potent treatments requiring careful application from a doctor.

Interesting home remedies

Warts are known to be susceptible to home remedies easily found at any grocery store. Some people have reported that taping a small piece of banana skin overnight, fleshy side towards the wart, has left skin smooth and pain-free at no cost. Others have found success by applying bandages over a mix of olive oil and turmeric, but it is important to note that this is not safe for everyone, especially when taken in large doses in pill form. Other types of oils, applied frequently and liberally, have proven successful for some, while others have used the milky sap from fresh fig leaves. In the U.S. south, there used to be people who could "talk off" warts, gently massage and talk to them - medicine can be mysterious!

Before recommending products, professionals with pharmacy technician training should ensure self-treatment is appropriate. If the wart continues to worsen despite home therapy or changes shape or colour, call the doctor. Plantar warts often lie beneath the skin and will need medical intervention to penetrate. Even relatively harmless inconveniences like warts require due diligence upon the completion of pharmacy technician courses. For example, pharmacy workers were recently on high alert when a mix-up of two similarly named drugs led to a patient applying wart medicine as eye drops!

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Acne No More Review

If you’relooking for natural acne treatments, and you’ve come across the Acne No Moreguide, then this was written with you in mind.Specifically, we’re going to examine the claims of this guide, and find out thetruth about whether the method will really work to get rid of your acne. By thetime you’ve finished reading, you’ll know if this is the solution you’ve beenlooking for – so let’s begin.

Firstly, dealing with theproblem of acne can be very difficult – especially if you haven’t been able toidentify the underlying reasons for why the acne has developed in the firstplace. While there are a vast range of over the counter treatments, creams,ointments, and prescription drugs – using these is no guarantee that your acnewill go away. In fact, it’s very common for the problem to come back worse thanbefore, and this is something that can feel very frustrating and disheartening.

However, the Acne No More guide promises to be a completely natural, holistic treatment that stops acneat the source, so it should be a reliable treatment for anyone who is currentlydealing with acne. This is quite unusual for an acne treatment – as most ofthem are merely masking the symptoms, rather than dealing with the underlyingissues that are causing your acne to appear.
But does it really live up to the hype? To learn the truth, it’s important tobegin by examine the claims made by the guide.

The Claims
Primarily, Acne No More claims that you can permanently get rid of youracne within just 2 months, and you’ll also reduce the amount of breakoutswithin just 7 days. This is certainly a big claim to make, but it couldcertainly be possible for many people who suffer from specific types of acne.

Additionally, the method will address the most common form of acne scars,and also reduce the general “oiliness” which can contribute to the effects ofyour acne. All of this is explained in a step-by-step illustrated guide, whichexplains the entire method from start to finish.

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Sun Damaged Skin a Big Problem for Many Women

ByMargaret Bell

If you have sun damaged skin, you are not alone. There are many women in the same position. Here, you can learn more about the symptoms, the underlying causes and the solutions for healing sun damaged skin.

Sun damage can cause a variety of symptoms including dryness, roughness, uneven pigmentation, fine lines, wrinkles and premature skin aging. The number of symptoms that you have will depend on how much time you have spent in the sun.

Dryness is one of the first symptoms and may be temporary or long-lasting. Over time, excessive exposure to UV rays from the sun can damage the skin's ability to retain moisture.

Roughness is usually accompanied by dryness. Instead of feeling smooth and soft, the skin feels rough or leathery.

Uneven pigmentation is sometimes referred to as age spots. When the skin is exposed to UV radiation from the sun, the melanin-producing cells called melanocytes beneath the skin's surface are stimulated. Melanin is responsible for the color of your skin.

Melanin is part of the body's natural protection system that converts UVB rays to heat, preventing the rays from damaging cellular DNA in such a way that they could become cancer cells. Over time, the melanin producing cells can become damaged. They produce more melanin in some areas than in others. What we see is uneven skin pigmentation or age spots.

Fine lines and wrinkles are basically the same thing. They are semi-permanent folds that form in the skin. Fine lines are simply less noticeable, but they can become deep wrinkles as time goes by. Often the first place that a woman sees the fine lines is at the corners of her eyes. They are commonly called "crow's feet".

Premature skin aging may include all of these symptoms or just a few of them. Aging is a natural part of life but when the visible signs of aging begin to appear prior to your 40s, it is considered "premature". In addition to sun damage, another cause of premature skin aging is exposure to tobacco smoke.

The underlying causes of sun damage are related to free radical molecules that reside in the skin. The molecules become over-excited when they are exposed to UV radiation from the sun or to the toxins in cigarette smoke.

There are antioxidants such as glutathione and superoxide dismutase in the skin. Melanin also has some antioxidant activity. The job of these antioxidants is to neutralize free radicals before they can do permanent damage to the skin's cells or fibers.

With age or because of excessive exposure to sunlight, the number of antioxidants within the skin becomes depleted. The radicals are free to do their damage. What we see is sun damaged skin.

While many other treatments have been tried and proposed, the latest research indicates that the best solutions for sun damaged skin are nutraceuticals. You can learn more about the nutraceutical solution by clicking the Sun Damaged Skin Solution for Women Link in the resource box below.

You will be happy to know that sun damage can be reversed. Click the link below for the answer.

And now I would like to invite you to visit for FREE Instant Access to THE SUN DAMAGED SKIN SOLUTON FOR WOMEN Please sign up for the FREE SKIN CARE GUIDE and SKIN CONDITIONS-SOLUTIONS. --Margaret Bell

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5 Skin Care Myths Exposed

ByAlice Cheril

Many people believe that looking at someone's skin can tell you a lot about a person. This includes their lifestyle choices and the way they take care of their skin. Skin care is not all about doing certain things. You also have to avoid doing things that can be harmful to your skin. Here are skin care myths you should be aware of.

You Don't Need Sunscreen on a Cloudy Day

Even if the sun isn't up, ultraviolet rays are still present and can cause damage to your skin. Remember that you should use sunscreen regularly since damage from the sun is one of the main causes of skin aging.

Scrubbing Your Face with Soap Will Keep Your Skin Healthy and Acne Free

This is one of the major myths that you should be aware of. Regular soap is usually too strong for the skin on your face causing dryness. You need to find a facial wash that suits your skin type. For instance, if you have sensitive skin then you need to find the appropriate hypoallergenic facial wash.

Facials and Microdermabrasion Are Good for Your Skin

Facials and microdermabrasion can be good for the skin. However, you need to find the right professional who knows what he/she is doing. In most cases the procedures only damage the skin leading to skin problems and premature skin aging. The best anti wrinkle cream can include facials and microdermabrasion but you have to find the right practitioner to do it.

Expensive Skin Care Products Work Best

This is a common misconception that most people have. They always equate price with quality and effectiveness of a product. The best anti wrinkle treatment product doesn't have to be expensive. You don't have to spend a lot of money to prevent skin aging since affordable products that work are also available. You just have to make sure that the product really works by checking its key ingredients and looking at reviews of the product you're planning to purchase.

Lasers Can Make You Look 20 Years Younger

It is true that lasers can significantly improve the appearance of your skin. However, you have to make sure that you're dealing with an experienced and knowledgeable doctor or specialist. Otherwise the procedure will do more harm than good. In many cases, laser procedures usually result in skin damage that causes premature skin aging. You can try looking at the best anti wrinkle cream products that are cheaper yet as effective.

Please visit to explore more on health issues like weight loss, menopause, women's issues and healthy living.

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Homemade Facial Masks For Acne Pain

An annoying and often overlooked symptom of acne is the localized pain associated with breakouts.
Redness, swelling, and pain is a common symptom of pimples and breakouts, however not many pimple and acne products address the pain problem.

Why is this overlooked?

The companies that produce acne product ingredients, are focused on fighting acne bacteria because that's their area of expertise. This is well and good, but what about the pain, what about the soreness that also effects you, and your skin, with acne.


So what can we do to control or relieve, acne pain?

That's where using natural acne remedies can help.
Lavender, oatmeal and chamomile are all natural calming and soothing ingredients you can use in masks and washes, to relieve acne pain.
It's a simple process, making face washes and masks at home. They also treat acne bacteria at the same time.


Here are three soothing calming masks for pimple pain:

Soothing Acne Mask

This mask is soothing and antibacterial for acne inflamed skin.
1/2 cup chamomile tea
1 tablespoon oatmeal
1 tablespoon honey
1 teaspoon plain yogurt
3 drops in tea tree oil (or use 1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder)
3 drops of lavender oil (or use crushed basil leaves)
Mix and apply to skin leaving on for 10 to 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water. Use three times a week.

Soothing Acne Soak

This recipe is very calming and soothing while targeting acne bacteria (as a long term solution).
1/2 cooled cup chamomile tea
1 tablespoon oatmeal
3 drops in tea tree oil (or use 1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder)
3 drops of lavender oil (or use crushed basil leaves)
Add the oatmeal to in cooled chamomile tea, add oils or spices. Strain out the oatmeal and use the liquid. Use as a rinse on skin or apply with a cotton pad.

Soothing Acne Serum

1 tablespoon coconut oil
2 drops lavender oil
2 drops tea tree oil
few drops lemon juice
Mix ingredients well and apply to skin once or twice a day.


Acne Pain Relief Serum

1 tablespoon extra virgin coconut oil
3 drops lavender oil
2 drops tea tree oil
few drops lemon juice or lime juice
Blend together and apply to skin once or twice a day.
The ingredients above are at the top of my list of soothing ingredients, however there are many many more you can use including the ones below:

  • Neem oil
  • Crushed Asprin
  • Pureed Strawberries
  • Baking soda
  • Cloves (infused in tea)
  • Aloe Vera
  • Karanja oil
  • Basil leaves crushed
  • Juniper berries or vodka
  • Mint leaves

It's very easy to make masks, washes and serums using these ingredients.
Add crushed mint or basil leaves to chamomile tea as a boost in the rinse or the karanja or neem to the serums for extra boost.
These are easy ideas to get started with, you can make many more recipes to soothe and heal skin of all types with simple ingredients like honey, spices or fruits.
Give these a try and enjoy instant relief while helping prevent and control, future problems.

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What Happens If You Don't Moisturize?

BySameer Patel

With all the advice and information floating around about ways to treat your skin properly and ways to maintain a youthful complexion forever, it can be overwhelming trying to decipher which advice is worth taking and what should be forgotten immediately. In the onslaught of information, the easiest choice is sometimes to continue doing absolutely nothing when it comes to your skincare. But when you suffer from an extremely dry epidermis, allowing it to remain dry and tight long-term can cause damage. What happens if a parched complexion is not tended to?

It looks patchy and dull.
Skin that isn't well cared-for has an appearance of looking dry, tired and dull. When it gets into the throes of extreme dryness, it can even begin to look kind of patchy and itchy. You need to apply dry skin remedies such as moisturizers or a hydrating topical gel to keep your complexion looking healthy and natural. The best moisturizer for dry skin will hydrate deeply and absorb fairly quickly, so the complexion looks refreshed without feeling greasy or drying out again.

It is more prone to wrinkling.
Dehydrated complexions aren't able to regenerate collagen or cells as easily as hydrated ones can, and without these processes, wrinkles occur much more easily. Use the best moisturizer for dry skin that you can to prevent yourself from looking older than you are.

Fine lines appear deeper.
They're also more difficult to get rid of if left unattended. Because moisturizers hydrate and firm, a moisturizing topical gel or cream will cause fine lines to appear filled-in. Lacking this moisture, lines look dry and creases appear deep, giving the illusion that you're older and more tired than you are.

It can cause breakouts.
When skin is balanced and healthy, it is blemish-free. But if yours is excessively thirsty, it will try to make up for the lack of hydration by producing oil, which can cause acne. At that point, you must figure out how to treat adult acne that springs up, which can be way more complicated than simply hydrating the complexion you've already got. If your skin is naturally acne-prone even when it's not dry, the solution may be as easy as a moisturizer for acne prone skin, which is meant for healing acne and hydrating without adding excess oil.

It cracks and bleeds.
In locations that come in frequent contact with the elements, extremely dry skin can begin to harden, crack and bleed; this is especially noticeable on the hands and feet. It can be harder and more painful to apply dry skin remedies once the skin is broken. If you notice you are starting to veer into dry territory, slap on a thick, hydrating lotion.

Get ultimate moisturizer creams from Aloe Vella at affordable prices! We also provide moisturizer for acne prone skin. Our all face & body care products are affordable & medically certified.

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Acrylic Nails: A Must-Try Trend For 2013

Celebrities are using it and beauty gurus have been talking about it, but what are acrylic nails? It might sound so unusual and voguish, but acrylic nails have actually been around for decades. The only difference is that they are better than ever.
What are Acrylic Nails?

You might have already spotted this at the salons. Ever since its invention in the 1970s, they have now evolved into a fashionable manicure statement.

The essential chemical in acrylic polish is called PMMA (short for polyethylmethylmethacrylate) which allows the product to become hard-wearing. When mixed with monomer liquid and sculpted, the result would be a synthetic version of the fingernails.
How to Apply Acrylic Nails

If you are new to this, it is best to have a nail technician apply them for you. As a matter of fact, a person cannot apply this professionally without certification. For your understanding, below is the process on how this is applied.


It is vital that the nail bed is cleaned with isopropyl alcohol to get rid of oil and bacteria. That's because the nail beds must be completely clean and dry before it is applied.

Prior to putting or applying it, a primer is first brushed onto the nails, such as methacrylic acid. This will allow the acrylic nail to adhere better to the natural nail. This is also rubbed onto the acrylic nail plates to remove any dirt and oil right before the application.

The nail technician will first glue each nail plate at the tip of your nails and shape them. The technician will then mix the acrylic resin by dipping a brush into acrylic liquid and then getting some acrylic powder to create a round blob. This will then be dotted out across the entire nail from base to tip. This process will continue until the desired results have been achieved.

After the resin has completely dried, the nail technician will shape it with some tools. After that, the nails can be painted with the desired polish color and topped with a protective coat.
Acrylic nails give a lot of options for those who want to have beautiful, long, and artistic nails but cannot grow or shape them well enough to do so. Musicians even make use of this product to play stringed instruments. Furthermore, they give the wearer a lot of benefits, such as concealing and protecting damaged nails and preventing nail biting.

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