Skin Whitening Forever

Homemade avocado face mask and scrub recipe

Maybe you did not know, but the avocado as well as being widely used in the kitchen is widely used in cosmetics due to the presence of antioxidants that are able to help the cells to free themselves from the presence of the dreaded free radicals and slow down the aging well . In particular, vitamin A and vitamin E are two powerful antioxidants whose properties help the skin to retain its elasticity and slow down aging. O.k scroll down below to see effective homemade avocado face mask recipe.

Now I would like to teach you how to make avocado face mask. Peel the avocado and pick the fruit pulp of half and place in a bowl. Mash the pulp with the help of a fork

Note: If you have dry skin, you can add a teaspoon of honey. If you have oily skin you can also add a teaspoon of lemon juice.
Homemade avocado face mask

Mix the ingredients well and spread the avocado mask obtained on the face and neck, making the massage very gently. Leave the mixture on for ten minutes and then rinse face and neck with warm water. Your skin will be soft and radiant beyond belief.

Now let's see how to prepare an exfoliating scrub.

Put together in a bowl the pulp of an avocado, an egg (egg white only), a couple of tablespoons of oatmeal and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix everything and just scrub is ready, distribute them on the face and neck. Leave on for fifteen minutes and then rinse.

Avocado can be used all the single parts except the core (unless you want to plant it in your garden!) So do not throw away the peel because it is an excellent moisturizer.

In fact, it contains some precious oil, exceptionally healthy skin.

So take the peel and spread it on your face as you would with a cotton swab, you will hear the action of the oil component that is deposited on the skin. Now massage upward for a few moments and then let the oil acting for about ten minutes. Then rinse your face with warm water!

Given how easy it is, gains your skin your mood and even your wallet!

I forgot the avocado should be ripe then to check its maturity before purchase is necessary that the avocado appears soft with a slight pressure of the fingers, in case it was still immature can be enclosed in a paper bag and kept at room temperature environment for a few days (on average 4 or 5). If you already mature you can instead store in the refrigerator for up to one week.

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Different Types of Laser Skin Treatments

Nowadays there are many skin treatments available in the market. Aiming for fresher, younger appearance can include facelifts with different amounts of cosmetic enhancement. Two of the best skin rejuvenation treatments nowadays are laser microdermabrasion and laser skin resurfacing. Each has its specific risk factors and benefits. It is necessary to know these before planning to undergo any laser treatment.

 Laser Skin Treatments
Laser resurfacing is often used to remove blemishes on the face through concentrated pulsed light energy. The laser utilizes either erbium or Co2 to eliminate the skin top layers to reveal undamaged, fresh surface. Laser light vaporizes the damaged cells and top surface. The benefits of laser skin resurfacing include the reduction or removal of the wrinkles or fine lines around the forehead, mouth and eyes. You might also be able to keep away of cancer, warts and birthmarks. The recovery period of this treatment is short, lasting only one week or two. It will depend on the kind of chemical utilized. When the face heals from the absorption of heat, the revitalization effects can last anywhere from two to five years.

However, there are several risks or negative features of the treatment. Rejuvenating from skin resurfacing will feel like mild sunburn. The treated area will mostly be appearing swollen and quite red in one or two weeks. It might itch or sting during the first few days. In severe conditions, patients can experience lasting redness, infection, serious scarring or a permanent change on the facial color. This procedure is also not suggested for individuals who are having acne problems.

Microdermabrasion is a treatment used to scrap or polish the top skin damaged layers. It is a non-invasive and can be performed in less than one hour. Some treatments are needed to obtain the desired results and every session can be expensive. A microdermabrasion is preferable to remove eye bags, age spots and acne scars. It is popularly known because it doesn't cause burning, swelling or redness like the laser skin resurfacing. It provides a fresh, revitalize layer of facial surface and a glowing appearance on the face. Other patients usually want microdermabrasion because it is mild on the sensitive facial area and you don't have to undergo a recovery process. However, the procedure will not be very efficient all the time. As it is a less intense treatment, at times the effects are less efficient than desired. Multiple treatment sessions are needed and these can be very expensive when calculated.

Impending Dangers of Birthmarks

Being the largest organ of our body, the skin performs many crucial bodily functions.
However, people all over the world suffer from skin disorders arising due to a birthmark that may almost seem harmless to us.

Impending Dangers of Birthmarks

A birthmark is an uncharacteristic coloration of the skin. It appears right at the time of birth or might surface in the coming weeks after a baby is born. Though majority of the birthmarks are not malignant, the baby should be examined by a skin care Vancouver specialist as soon as the birthmark is noticed or developed.
Remember that regular pigmented moles/Nevi are not a risk factor unless there are symptoms of itching, bleeding or a change in their size, shape and color. Then there are vascular birthmarks known as mascular stains that do not need any treatment. Nevertheless, it is better to get any kind of birthmark checked from a skin specialist.
Let's find out about the birthmarks that pose danger to our body --

1. Arteriovenous Malformations or AVMs-

An AVM is the result of an abnormal linking of the arteries and veins wherein the arterial blood is directed to the veins. The AVMs are normally present in neonates at the time of birth, but they are noticeable in adulthood due to different stimuli such as pregnancy, trauma or puberty. Usual symptoms of AVMs are overgrowth of the said part of the body, pain, minor bleeding and cardiac failure.
The treatment includes a blend of embolization and surgical excision for relief and must be done by an experienced skin care Vancouver surgeon only.

2. Hemangiomas

When many minute blood vessels club together, they form Hemangiomas that can have varying levels of acuteness. This kind of birthmark can develop into a larger form with great speed till the child completes one year of age. Hence it requires immediate treatment. Hemangiomas can be divided into- Strawberry hemangiomas and Cavernous hemangiomas.
Hemangiomas can cause obstacles in major bodily functions such as seeing, hearing, eating or defecation.

There are numerous treatments for hemangiomas such as corticosteroid medication, laser treatment, or surgery. Each kind of treatment has its own set of risk factors. Nonetheless, hemangiomas should not be taken lightly and resolved soon.

3. Port-wine stains

The nonstandard development of capillaries can lead to port-wine stains. It looks like a leveled- pink, purple or red-colored birthmark and can be found on the face, arms, legs or trunk of a person. Port-wine stains on eyelids can result in glaucoma. Presently, laser treatment is considered to be very effective for treating this without harming the surrounding skin.

To sum up the discussion, it can be inferred that a birthmark should not be ignored just because it is painless and appears as a small discolored patch. Most of the times, it might not turn out to be dangerous. However, it is recommended that you get it scrutinized from a skin care Vancouver consultant for any possible risk from the ones stated above and avoid self-diagnosis.

Homemade Papaya Face Mask For All Skin Types

Today we would like to introduce you DIY papaya face mask. To prepare for this homemade face mask we only need a papaya and two tablespoons of natural yogurt, nothing more. All ingredients you can easily find in your supermarket with a little of spending your money and getting a great result.
Homemade Papaya Face Mask

How to make homemade papaya face mask.

 Put in a blender the pulp of the papaya and yogurt, blend them well until you get a compound compact, but be careful not to overdo it, just only make them easy to spread on the face.

How to apply natural papaya face mask.

 After cleaning your face with the right products for your skin type, apply this DIY
papaya facial mask on your face, but beware area around your eyes.

After you spread papaya face mask on over your face, leave it there for about 5 minutes and then removing it with warm water.

It is an excellent homemade face mask for every skin type except for those very have sensitive skin type, so be careful not to use it if you have a skin belonging to the latter category.

A simple idea well worth trying because it is able to moisturize the skin and remove dead skin cells from the face.

Homemade Cucumber Face Mask For Acne

Homemade Cucumber Face Mask For Oily Skin

Homemade Cucumber and Oats Facial Mask Recipe
The cucumber and the oats are perfect ingredients to make homemade face mask against acne. If you are having a problem with acne, try this unique combination and see the results.

The oats and cucumber mask for acne is great to fight pimples because it is the combination of astringent and exfoliant so this mask is really perfect to nourish the skin, but also to clean it well and avoid the appearance of pimples. It is a perfect astringent and at the same time helping those who have oily skin. For this reason, you should try this cucumber facial mask if you have acne problems.
Cucumber face mask


1. Half of cucumber
2. Two tablespoons of oat
3. The juice of half of lemon
4. One tablespoon of honey

Put the cucumber, cut into pieces in the blender. Add the oat flakes, the juice of half a lemon and honey. Blend until ingredients are integrated with each other, resulting in a homogeneous mask.

Apply this beauty makeup in areas most affected by acne. Massage gently to exfoliate and then leave for 15 -20 minutes before removing the mask with cold water.

This mask works well against acne, performing various functions. On one side is astringent and avoids the formation of fat on the face. It also helps to eliminate the layers of dead skin cells. Moreover, it is perfect to nourish and soften the skin, two of the fundamental characteristics of honey and oats.

We must, however, be careful not to use it before sun exposure, given the presence of the lemon. The contact between sun light and treated skin from the lemon can cause spots on the skin. Therefore, it is best to use it at night.

How to Clear Acne Scars Fast

How to Clear Acne Scars Fast
Acne no doubt causes pain, but what is even more painful are the scars that remain after the skin condition heals. Recent reports suggest that people with acne scars on the face tend to develop low esteem and lose self-confidence. These psychological barriers can have an adverse impact on their lives. However, the good news is that acne scar removal is possible without causing any harm to the surrounding skin tissue. There are ample treatment options when it comes to acne scar removal in less time.

Methods to Clear Acne Scars


With the advancement in science, removing acne scars is no big deal. Today, dermatologists are using methods that are not only safe, but quite effective to restore the lost beauty of the skin. Some of these popular methods are listed below:

Ointments or Creams: There are quite a few pharmaceutical companies that have developed acne scar creams. Using these ointments and creams is as simple as applying it on the affected part as instructed on the label of the product. These have proven to be quite effective in eliminating mild and light acne scars.

Dermabrasion: This is a surgical procedure in which the doctors remove the outer layer (epidermis) as well as the inner layer (dermis) of the skin in a systematic manner, so that innermost layers of the skin are not damaged. This form of treatment, that uses motor driven burrs to peel off the skin, has brought smiles to many acne scar sufferers. Basically, it removes the damaged dermis that is responsible for causing scars. Removing superficial skin exposes healthy skin cells that eventually form a smooth skin over a period of time.

Chemical Peels: This type of treatment involves peeling off the skin using chemicals. In this method, mild organic acids, that do not harm the skin are used. Chemical solutions that are commonly used to get a clear complexion are salicylic or glycolic acid. Before applying any of these solutions, the face should be washed properly. Once applied, it should be allowed to remain there for several minutes. The patient may experience mild burning sensation that usually lasts for 10-15 minutes.

Laser Therapy: When all treatment options fail to clear acne scars fast, laser treatment is the last resort to clear these blemishes. This advanced technique has become quite popular in recent years as it makes the skin free from acne scars within a short time. Although laser therapy is expensive, success is guaranteed. Severe acne leaves deep scars and may require more than one session of laser scarring treatment.

Clear Acne Scars Naturally
Financial constraints may not allow people to opt for laser treatments. However, there is no need to worry as acne scars can also be removed naturally. Some of the best remedies that help to clear acne scars at home are given below:

Tea Tree Oil: This natural oil is also very effective to clear acne scars fast but make sure to purchase pure tea tree oil from a reliable source. This approach, that involves applying 2-3 drops of tea tree oil on the scar, has proven beneficial to clear the scars.

Honey: Usage of honey is yet another way to erase those unsightly marks. However, before you use this natural remedy, exfoliating the skin is very important. Use of exfoliating brush removes the dead cells that have accumulated on the scars. Applying honey after gentle exfoliation ensures successful removal of acne scars at the earliest.

So, after you gently exfoliate the affected area for around 2-3 minutes, take Manuka honey and spread it on the skin showing scars. Once, you have applied it properly, let it remain for 20 minutes. Then rinse your face using warm water and natural soap. Follow this skin care regimen for about a month and you will definitely notice healthy glowing skin free from acne scars.

Vitamin E: Vitamin E tops the list of nutrients when it comes to overall well-being of the skin. The nutrient protects the skin from the ravaging effects of free radicals. Hence, it is no surprising that topical use of vitamin E lotion can work wonders to eliminate acne scars. Application of vitamin E lotion twice daily that does not contain any mineral oil can definitely lead to substantial reduction of acne scars. Instead of lotion, one may use vitamin E oil and then leave it on the face for 15 minutes. You are then expected to wash your face with a mild cleanser.

Pureed Fruit: Pureed fruits like apple and pineapple are full of ascorbic acid, an important ingredient of many skin care products. Ascorbic acid has shown to be beneficial in lightening acne scars and improving the look of the skin. Gently rub the puree of pineapple or apple on the face. Allow it to settle and do not remove it for 15 minutes. You can then wash it off with warm water.

Lemon Juice: Daily application of fresh lemon juice (3-4 drops) on the acne scars can also help to clear this skin problem as early as possible. For severe acne scars, application of lemon juice may only lighten the scar, and might not remove it entirely.

Baking Soda: Make a paste by mixing baking soda with water. Now, apply it on the face, focusing more on areas of the skin that show acne scars. After massaging the paste for a minute or two, wash the face thoroughly with clean water. Baking soda has the ability to eliminate these skin imperfections within a short span of time.

People with acne scars also need to stay away from certain foods. There are food items that are known to trigger acne. Foods high in sugar as well as processed foods can cause acne. These foods need to be excluded from the diet. Drinking plenty of water (8-10 glasses) and avoiding soft drinks such as coke, are some of the factors that can assist to get rid of acne scars at the earliest. 


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Laser Scar Removal -Best Acne Treatments

Laser scar removal is a safe method for reducing the intensity of scars caused due to sustained injuries, acne, chickenpox, burns, etc. This treatment involves the vaporizing of the upper layer of skin, thereby giving way to fresh, smooth skin with 50% lighter impression of the scar.

Scars can be caused by scores of different factors such as chickenpox, ice picks, acne, injuries or surgeries. Although these conditions heal in their own time, they leave an ugly scar behind. The scar is actually the natural part of the skin's healing process, however, some of them can really hurt and cause inconvenience. Even after the wound heals completely, the large, raised scar gives the person a complex and makes him or her conscious of his or her appearance, especially if the scar is on the face, neck or hand. The best part about these scars is that they can be treated and erased. Laser technology has made it possible to erase scars and free you of those ugly, hideous scars. Laser scar removal is seen to reduce the appearance of scars by 50-80% and even prevents them from recurring in the future.

The procedure is a safe process and does not conduce to further open wounds. In this treatment beams of lasers are targeted on the scarred tissues of the skin, which get burnt of by the powerful laser beams.

The new tissue formed is unlike the scarred tissue and the blemishes are reduced to a great extent. Laser scar removal heals quickly and the reduction of visibility of scars helps hoist the person's self-confidence and self-esteem.

The entire procedure takes only 1-3 hours, however, this procedure has to be repeated several times before the objective is achieved. The amount of actual time taken for the procedure depends mainly on the type of scar being dealt with. The laser procedure can either be carried out in a surgeon's office, hospital or outpatient surgery center.

Determination of Scar Type
On consulting a surgeon regarding laser scar removal, the surgeon will first check for the type of scar indenting one's face or body. Moreover, he or she will also check for the depth of the scar. Large and deep scars will take longer to treat, with several rounds of the laser treatment being required. Minor scars will take hardly any time to erase. The dermatologist will check if the scar is a keloid scar (caused by injury), contracture scar (caused by burns), hypertrophic scars (caused by surgeries) and acne scars (severe acne causing ice picks).

Selection of Laser Treatment Type
There are four types of laser popularly used to treat scars. The carbon dioxide laser treatment, involving the use of ultra-pulsed beams on the scarred tissue works well for reducing scars. Then there's the YAG laser treatment, involving the use of short pulsed laser beams for treating acne scars. Intense pulsed light (IPL) is used to treat scars caused by sun damage, wherein intense pulsed light is used. In the pulsed dye laser treatment, a flash lamp is used to flash beams of specific wavelengths to vaporize scarred tissue.

For minor scars, anesthesia is often not given. The person will only feel a prickly sensation or slight burning sensation while the laser works into the scar. However, for larger scars, local anesthesia will be given. Even desensitizing ointments are available which will help numb the part in question.

Vaporizing the Skin
Once the anesthesia is given, the laser beam is targeted exactly at the scarred tissue and is moved along the scar's length. The initial layer of scarred tissue get vaporized, revealing a fresh layer of skin from beneath. When this underlying layer of skin heals, it will have a minimized version of the scar. Larger scars will have to be vaporized several times before the final reduced appearance outcome is achieved. The skin appears smoother, lighter with 50% of the scar erased out.

The laser treatment cost will depend on the number of hours undertaken for the laser treatment. Moreover, the more the repetitions required, the higher the cost goes. The cost also depends on the type of laser used and the facility where the treatment is being carried out. The price ranges from $500 to $5,000 or more. One important point to be noted is that not everybody is eligible for laser scar removal. Your dermatologist will guide you in this matter. It is also essential to know that these procedures do not magically erase the scar completely. They can reduce its appearance but may not be able to erase large scars completely.


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Best Acne Laser Treatment

Best Acne Laser Treatment

Here is an article that equips you with the best acne laser treatments you could bank upon. This article will prove to be a respite for all those who want their skin to regain what it has lost: health and clarity. Spruce up your knowledge and regain the skin that was always meant to be yours. ...
"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is fairest of them all?" a familiar adage, isn't it? Well, what would your answer be to this hypothetical question? If it's yourself, kudos to you! However, if it is the mirror, you need to do something substantial to make things work in your favor. So, if you are embarrassed of your face appearing blotchy all the time and wish your skin reinvents the health it once displayed ostentatiously, then you sure need help. Acne laser treatments are here to help you get skin that radiates unadulterated beauty!

Why Acne Laser Treatment?

The main objective of performing a laser treatment for acne is to destroy bacteria seeded within the pore; thereby, repairing the affected, rather damaged skin tissues. You can get a blemish-free skin by opting for the best laser treatment for scars. The marks that were left behind either due to severe acne trouble or hideous blotches, thanks to your superior ability of squeezing pimples, could be eradicated. Laser treatment, however, is a novel concept to digest and is still making its way into the minds of the masses.

Carbon Dioxide Lasers

This is a type of light-based system. In this type of acne laser treatment, brief flashes of high intensity light is emitted on to the skin. This procedure allows the production of collagen and is used predominantly as the best laser treatment for acne scars.

Non-ablative Lasers

This is a laser treatment for acne that works within the skin tissues and thereby stimulates the production of collagen which serves to be an essential protein, playing a vital role in skin tightening. The skin appears taut, supple, devoid of fine lines and wrinkles, thereby correcting skin aberrations.

Erbium Lasers

Another laser treatment for acne is the laser therapy called Erbium laser. This acne laser treatment works to correct the water molecules seeded into the skin tissues and is generally used for people who have very few fine lines and facial lesions.

YAG Laser

This laser treatment employs different sources of lights with regards to various wavelengths. The light therapy, that is blue light, generates molecules called porphyrin, acting as agents that kill bacteria. The red light is employed to correct skin irregularities and improve the skin tone.

Diode Laser Therapy

Diode laser therapy destructs the sebaceous glands and the middle layer of skin. This does not cause any harm to the outer layer of the skin. Analgesics or anesthesia administered before the treatment begins, is the right method to cease any pain that one may experience during the laser procedure.

Cost of Acne Laser Treatment

Acne laser treatment may have some side effects. However, these side effects are almost negligible. Swelling and redness of the skin area are the only two side effects that could be experienced by the individual who has undergone the treatment. Last but not the least, if you question the cost you are likely to incur, then let me provide you with an honest answer. Acne laser treatment, indeed, is expensive. An eight-session laser treatment for acne removal costs you $500 approximately and the case may be such, that you need just two or three sessions to find a visible difference in your skin.

Stop running after skin products that have benefits to promise, but no results to deliver. Acne laser treatment is the ideal remedy for you. After you undergo an acne control treatment, you could proudly say that you are indeed, the fairest! Beautiful skin that radiates translucency is just ... a 'light' away!

14 Natural Face Cleansing Alternatives

Many of you guys have been asking about gentle face cleansing alternatives lately, so I just decided to write an article about it. Here it is:

You probably know that most commercial cleansers contain surfactants or emulsifiers - which is pretty much the same from a chemical point of view. Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), soap and even sugar tensides (a common ingredient in many organic cleansers) strip the natural lipid layer from the skin’s surface and destroy its protective barrier. In other words, they are simply too harsh for sensitive skin types like acne skin.
I think that‘s the reason why you are looking for a safe and effective natural way to wash your face! The good news is that there are lots of home remedies you can try! It’s fun to do your own “spa treatment,” especially one that is beneficial! Not only are many of the natural “cleansers“ mentioned below quite inexpensive compared to most store bought stuff, they are also environmentally friendly, even after they go down the drain (apart from the cotton pads, of course …)

However, none of these natural face wash methods will make your skin feel as “squeaky“ clean as those surfactant-rich cleansing foams, creams and gels from your local supermarket. And that‘s a positive point! If your skin feels squeaky, your cleanser is probably too “strong” for you. Many people think their skin is not clean enough after washing it the natural way – but it is! I swear!
Acne or no acne, switching to a gentle, natural cleansing routine means switching to something that it is NOT provoking inflammations and something that will NOT leave your face feeling tight, dry or looking flaky. You want something gentle for your skin, something that keeps it hydrated and minimizes the amount of moisturizer you need to use.

A gentle cleansing routine won‘t cure your acne, eczema or other skin problems like a magic potion, but you can improve your skin‘s condition a lot by NOT slashing any more chemicals on it every single day. Treat your skin as gently as you can and never rub, pull or tug your skin!
Above all you really don’t want to over-wash your face! It could be making your skin worse. Once or twice a day is enough. To avoid intolerances or even allergic reactions, always make a patch test on the inside of your arm before you apply stuff to your face – even if it‘s mild and natural stuff!
Okay, I hear you guys! I‘ll stop preaching and come to the point! These are the single cleansing methods:

Natural Cleansers

So you want your own individual look? Try a full body clay mask!

1. Clay

Clay draws toxins from the skin and can calm inflammations. You cannot only use it as a face mask, but also as a daily face wash. There are different types of clay: red, green or white clay, ghassoul (also called rhassoul) or healing earth. You can mix clay with water or other funny stuff like aloe vera gel, organic floral waters, organic full fat yogurt, kefir or buttermilk. It‘s simple, just like cooking. Get creative! However, please remember not to add too many different ingredients all at once! Try only one thing at a time to find out how your skin reacts to it. Apply the mixture to your face, leave it on for just a few minutes, then rinse. Don‘t let it dry!!!
This cleansing method works especially well for oily or combination skins, however depending on which color of clay you use, all skin types can benefit.

oily skin:
ghassoul / rhassoul (moroccan lava clay), green clay, bentonite clay, kaolin clay or Fuller’s
sensitive skin:
white clay, red clay
dry skin:
red clay
dull, tired, or devitalized skin:
pink clay
If your skin tends to be dry, add a few drops of oil. To enhance antibacterial properties, try to add a drop of lavender, tee tree or laurel oil, a teaspoon of manuka honey or a splash of apple cider vinegar.
You can use clay as a mask for body and hair as well! Ghassoul is a fab hair wash alternative: applied as a mask, it strips the hair of chemical build up and other residues, absorbs oiliness almost like a sponge, makes your hair shine and adds volume! Don‘t massage it too much into your hair to avoid split ends.
Don‘t try clay if you are allergic to nickel. Clay may contain traces of it.

2. Orris Root Powder

Orris root = Iris germanica, Iris florentina, Iris pallida
Orris root powder is really moisturizing, very gentle on the skin and smells just like violets! Mix with water (or yogurt, aloe vera, floral waters, … ) and apply in the same way as the clay mixtures.
You can use it as a tooth powder as well! It might be a good alternative for those, who struggle with a severe intolerance or allergy to fluoride, SLS or mint oil (in the past, it has indeed been used as a toothpaste).
Depending on where you live, orris root powder might be difficult to find. You can try to browse online shops selling herbs or ask in a pharmacy for it.

3. Chickpea Flour

If you have very oily skin, chickpea flour might be good for you! Mix with water, floral waters, yoghurt, … and apply in the same way as clay or orris root powder.
You can buy it in most Asian or health food stores!

4. Organic Full-Fat Yogurt, Curd, Kefir or Buttermilk

Yogurt, curd, kefir and buttermilk are the most natural surfactant-free alternatives to cleansing milk you can probably ever get your hands on! It‘s not just emulsified fat and water: Lactic acid harmonizes with your skin’s acidity, dissolves lipids and helps to remove dead skin cells.
If possible, use organic (non-pasteurized) milk products. Massage gently into your skin, avoid the eye area and leave on for a few minutes. Then rinse.
As a general rule of thumb, yoghurt and curd are a little more gentle to the skin than kefir and buttermilk. Especially buttermilk might be too strong for very sensitive skin types due to its high amount of lactic acid. For the same reason, it‘s a great exfoliator!

5. Cotton Pad and Oil

Apply just a few drops of oil (jojoba, olive, argan, almond, apricot kernel, evening primrose, …) on a moistened cotton pad and gently wipe across your face without rubbing. Splash with water afterwards.
If you aren‘t sure which oil could be great for your skin type, read the oils article first.

6. Mashed Fruit or Vegetables as a Cleanser or Face Mask

This is no recipe idea! Fact is that papaya pulp, mashed avocados, cucumbers, mangos or bananas are fantastic skin cleansers. Fresh fruit contains enzymes which will remove dead skin cells, clear pores and resolve excess oil. I think most recipes below are too complicated to become an every day solution, but you can still consider them as a mask or treatment every once in a while! Be careful though, not every skin type can deal with fruit acid. Make a patch test first!
A few ideas:
Oily skin / Combination skin:
  • Cucumber juice works extremely well as a skin cleanser. Due to its cooling effect it helps to soothe and soften the skin. Apply some cucumber juice mixed with raw organic milk onto your face. Use a cotton pad!
  • Papaya fruit is a rich source of nutrients such as carotenoids, vitamin C, B vitamins, enzymes and minerals. Papaya pulp also contains a variety of phytochemicals, including polyphenols: Massage your face very gently with a papaya slice or mix papaya pulp with raw organic honey or rose water and apply it as a face mask for 15-20 minutes.
  • Lemon juice is a natural exfoliant, skin brightener and anti-infective, whereas the starch from (sweet) potatoes will absorb excess oil: Boil some sweet (or white) potatoes, mash them, let them cool down and add a few drops of lemon into the mixture. Squeeze a real lemon! Do not use any ready-bought lemon juice gunk! Apply, leave on for 20 minutes, then rinse off with water.
  • Mix some lemon juice (from a real lemon) with raw organic (or manuka) honey and cinnamon. For some, it works extremely well to fade hyper-pigmentation marks. Leave on for half an hour, then rinse.
  • Bananas are rich in vitamin A, B and E and a good source of iron, magnesium and potassium. A fresh mashed banana facial can be great for your skin!
  • Mangos can have a nice effect on your skin as well. Mangos are rich in vitamin-A and rich in antioxidants. Use in the same way as papaya!
Dry skin:
  • Packed with healthy fats and phytonutrients, avocados and olives offer remarkable benefits for dry skin: Mix avocado pulp with olive oil to make a paste. Rinse off after 20 minutes.

7. The Oil-Cleansing-Method

I‘m not a big fan of the oil-cleansing-method. For me it wasn’t great, to say the least. The first time I tried this method, I ended up with cystic acne. It was too harsh on my skin because of rubbing too much, because of using the wrong or too much oil and because of the very hot water. That‘s why I don’t think it‘s suitable for sensitive or inflamed acne skin, so please be careful!
If, after all, you are still longing to try it, grab your favorite oil and apply some of it on your dry face in a circular motion. Use your fingertips. To avoid irritation, massage your skin in the most gentle way possible – or not at all, especially in the most inflamed areas. Massaging with oil can be very stressful for your skin and might spread acne bacteria all over your face. Just let the oil soak for about 20-30 minutes. Excess sebum will be removed anyhow and even some impurities might pop out. You don‘t even have to use olive and castor oil as described in most online articles. Castor oil might remove too much natural sebum from your skin, so your skin might produce even more sebum to protect itself. Try jojoba, hemp or grape seed oil, if you have oily skin. For dry skin, macadamia, canola or olive oil should work fine. Then, instead of using a very hot wet cloth to remove the excess oil, use a warm one pressing it gently on your face without rubbing. Repeat a few times. Don‘t use microfiber cloths, but only soft muslin or cotton cloths.

8. Baking Soda

Dilute a pinch of baking soda in A LOT OF water and splash your face with it. Rinse thoroughly with clean water afterwards. Don‘t use too much baking soda and never let the baking-soda-water dry on your skin! The granules are kind of abrasive when dry.
By the way, the naturally occurring chemical compound sodium bicarbonate (baking soda = NaHCO3 = sodium, hydrogen, carbon and oxygen) can clean anything from your face to your pans and pots to your whole household. Give it a try!

9. Raw Organic Honey

Raw organic honey is an extremely mild cleanser with antibacterial and moisturizing benefits! Simply apply, leave on for a few minutes up to half an hour, rinse. Be careful with your hair!

For Experts:

10. Self-Made All-in-One Cleansing Milk, Moisturizer and Body Lotion

Making your own natural skin care is a fabulous way to take care of yourself, save money and have fun all at the same time. Moreover, you can avoid harmful chemicals and other substances your skin might be reacting to and still have the advantages of a creamy and moisturizing product!
All you need is a good oil, some water and a little bit of liquid lecithin. Lecithin is an emulsifier which is naturally occurring in egg yolks and oils (avocado oil contains a lot of it) and is really kind to the skin. Even my own crazy skin gets along with it, although it easily freaks out with any other emulsifier. You can buy it in some online shops.

basic recipe:
  • 0.7 oz (20 ml) organic floral water (use it as it is!) or aloe vera gel (use it as it is!) or mineral water (boiled and cooled down) or distilled water (if you find boiling water is too much work!)
  • ca. 1 scoop liquid lecithin (you don‘t have to be too precise with this)
  • 0.35 oz (10 ml) cold-pressed organic oil (jojoba, grape seed, apricot kernel … ) or an oil mix
You can vary the amount of oil according to your skin type: 20% – 40% work quite well.
Sterilize a 1oz (30ml) glass bottle and any other type of equipment you might need (measuring utensils, spoons etc.). If you don‘t want to sterilize them with alcohol, boil them in a pot of water for at least half an hour and let them dry properly. Pour the ingredients into the bottle, put on the lid, shake, and it‘s done! If the oil and water components should separate after a while, just shake the flask all over again to re-mix. If that does not help, add another few drops of lecithin. You can also add a drop of your favorite essential oil, such as lavender, manuka, chamomile, neroli, jasmine and so on.
Prepare only very small amounts, store in the fridge and use within two weeks (otherwise you‘ll have to use alcohol or preservatives).
If you suffer from very dry patches you could try to add a pinch/drop of ectoin, allantoin, d- panthenol or lactic acid (online-shop/pharmacy).

Natural Toners

Many people take the 3 steps of cleansing, toning and moisturizing as a rule to be set in stone. In my opinion the benefits of “toning“ as it is generally – and commercially - understood are questionable, but here are some very gentle alternatives for those who like to have another refreshing kick right after cleansing!

11. Water

Yes, water! I‘m not kidding! Chlorine or limescale are a common cause of itchy, red, dry and flaky skin. So if your tap water happens to be very limy, try to use mineral, filtered (or at least boiled) water to splash your face. This might make a huge difference for some people!
And, of course, water is a very natural and genuine toner! Guaranteed without perfume, essential oils and other unnecessary accessories.

12. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is an excellent choice, if you want to tone and hydrate your skin at the same time. Add one or two drops of oil to it to keep the moisture inside your skin! Aloe vera speeds the healing process and acts as an anti inflammatory to calm down your skin. It is also a must have home first aid remedy: apply to burns, slow healing wounds, grazes, bites and stings!
However, aloe vera products available in health food stores are not always equal in quality. Be sure that the aloe vera gel you purchase is organic and certified by the International Aloe Science Council (IASC). This label guarantees that your aloe vera gel is naturally rich in active polysaccharides and free from all kinds of skin-irritating stuff like pesticides and so on.
Nevertheless, make a patch test first, if you have never tried aloe vera before! Some people are allergic to it.

13. Organic Herbal Distillates / Floral Waters

Organic floral waters, also called hydrosols, are very kind on the skin (at least if you are not allergic to a specific flower or plant) and help to regenerate the skin‘s natural acid mantle after cleansing. There are lots of different choices: rose water, hamamelis water, orange blossom water, lavender water, chamomile water, thyme water, sandalwood water …
Floral waters are traditionally used in Ayurveda for toning the skin. Produced at high temperatures, they are somewhat acidic (with a pH between 5-6) and tend to inhibit bacterial growth. They are not however sterile, but a fresh product, just like food, and should be kept refrigerated. Always buy floral waters in a spray bottle (because of the same reason). Spray liberally over face and body after cleansing as a toner or throughout the day to refresh and hydrate your skin.
However, be careful to choose the right type of floral water! Many hydrosols on the market are just water with a small amount of essential oils added and are some kind of a cheat! Make sure to choose a floral water made from a distillation as this extraction method retains the properties of the plant. Have a look at the Latin (or INCI) name. True floral waters will be listed as one ingredient, e.g. ‘rosa damascena distillate‘ or ‘rosa damascena water‘ for example (rose water). Water and essential oil blends are listed as two separate ingredients (e.g. aqua, rosa damascena oil). Never use floral waters containing alcohol, as they will dry out your skin.

14. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a natural disinfectant with antibacterial properties. However, raw, natural, unfiltered and unpasteurized apple cider vinegar has some kind of “sediment,” called the “mother”, in it. Don’t be scared – that strange substance is good stuff and contains all the skin benefits! Go for it!
Apple cider vinegar should always be diluted with some water so that it is much gentler on the skin! You can use it straight as a spot treatment though. To use it as a toner, mix one part apple cider vinegar with 8-10 parts (mineral) water and apply it on a cotton pad.

Natural Face Washes and Makeup

Personally, I do not wear a lot of makeup. Just a few dips of concealer (usually a mineral concealer) and some mascara every once in a while when I want to get all dolled up, but not on an everyday basis.
To get makeup off, the cotton-pad-and-oil method works really well. It‘s simple, but effective! Manuka honey mixed with oil (equal parts) is another great cleansing option, especially if you want to remove makeup. Even a yoghurt-clay-mix might do the trick, but you should leave it on as a mask for at least 10 minutes before washing it off. Ghassoul has an enormous cleansing strength and works almost like a sponge absorbing oil, dirt and bacteria at the same time.
Tracy did a nice video about how to remove makeup the natural way:
What Can You Use for A Natural Makeup Remover?


You see, there are many great options out there if you want to cleanse your skin using all natural ingredients!
So, in the end, which cleansing method is the best one? The truth is there is no single, perfect cleansing method. It is a case of trial and error to find the right method that really suits you. On the other hand, confusing as it is, you should never experiment too many different ways to cleanse your face at the same time! I know it‘s tempting! I know! We all are impatient and want to see immediate results. I‘m not different. However, your skin needs time to adapt and does not like to be confronted with too many different substances - even natural ones – at frequent intervals. So please don‘t overload it!
That‘s all. I hope that helps! Take care, lovelies!
What does your typical face-wash-ritual look like? Have you ever tried one of the above mentioned methods? Please let us know what your experiences have been so far! Let‘s talk about any kind of face-cleansing-stuff you are using, chemicals or natural stuff, and how you get along with it!

Natural Facial Cleansing and Skin Moisturizer You Can Try

Natural Facial Cleansing

Just one question for you, "why is your skin still prone to acne?"... I bet you don't have a good answer for me. Don't tell me it's a family skin thingy, you're the problem! You might have tried out different facial moisturizers and still no good result. You're sick and tired of trying them out. Well, I understand that feeling, I've been in that situation.
I had an acne prone skin, quite oily, I used to say it was a family skin problem. I started searching for solutions to my problem. Read different articles, reports, searched online, different stories, different ideas, contradicting opinions etc. I realized the importance of checking product ingredients before purchasing them. Some of these ingredients might not be good for the skin (that depends on your skin type). They can cause more harm than good, some don't even make a difference on your skin.

Then I came across natural oils as replacement for regular, commercial moisturizers. I was really skeptical about the natural oils. Anything that had not been made for oily skin made my face look terrible once I started the treatment, and thinking of intentionally rubbing oil onto my usually acne prone skin seemed like a horrible Idea

Since my skin looked really dull, and the wrinkles became stronger due to the dryness around my eyes, I just thought about giving it a shot, it couldn't possibly get worse than I already looked.
And you know what? IT GOT BETTER!
Now this is what I did and what you need to do for facial moisturizing and cleansing:

•Wash your face with pure olive-oil soap, no additives whatsoever

•If you need a peeling, take 1 teaspoon of baking soda and mix it to a paste with a bit of water. Rub this lightly across your face, then rinse it off thoroughly

•to moisturize your skin, use organic Sesame Seed Oil, massage a few drops into the skin, then use a few more drops of Organic Jojoba Oil and massage it into the skin as well (in the morning use filtered Jojoba oil as it is lighter, and at night use the gold, thick Jojoba Oil for extra moisturizing benefits)

Applying this method would make your face feel relaxed and regain a healthy glow, there should be no problems with acne or clogged pores anymore. The trick is that the oils you massage into the skin keep your skin from overproducing sebum. Sesame Seed Oil is a great carrier for Jojoba Oil and helps it to penetrate deeper into the skin. Jojoba oil is especially good for the skin as it apparently is very much like the sebum your skin produces. Sesame Seed Oil also has anti-inflammatory properties that seem to work well with occasional pimples. At least I haven't had problems using this oil.

You don't need much of these oils which makes it a lot cheaper than buying these overpriced, chemical-laden creams. Other people with different types of skin use other oils on their skin, some use castor oil, some almond... the possibilities are endless, and I think you just need to find something that your skin will like!

Article Source:

The Best Acne Remedies Aren't In Stores But From Nature

Acne is one of those annoying skin complaints that can be a problem for both men and women from teens through to middle age.
What is acne?
The Best Acne Remedies

Acne can be triggered by many things from hormonal imbalances causing an increase in serum production to environmental factors. Whatever the initial trigger, the actual formation of acne happens from within pores known as comedones which have become blocked. Bacteria builds within these pores and an infection follows resulting in an inflamed swollen area that we recognise as a pimple.


Standard store bought treatments for acne:

Commercial treatments for acne usually include chemical or synthetic based active ingredients such as salicylic acid or triclosan. These ingredients are usually found in washes and scrubs that are formulated for oily or teenage skin.

Not all of us have oily skin or suffer from other common symptoms like blackheads that are often associated with acne. Sometimes simple things like shaving, pregnancy or hormonal issues can trigger acne - and sometimes this is on a temporary or sporadic basis.
It can be hard to find acne products you can use every day to prevent acne generally and avoid blackhead buildup.

Most people are delighted to discover there is a natural solution that can be incorporated into a daily skin care routine to eliminate acne long term.

Side effects of commercial acne products and their alternatives:

The vast majority of acne products contain potentially irritating ingredients like sulphates that can dry out skin. This is compounded by the effects of active ingredients added to target bacteria. Many natural ingredients also contain the same active ingredients without the same side effects including:

Strawberries - contain salycylic acid, the same active ingredient in many acne washes

Willow bark - also rich in salycylic acid, a natural powder available from health store that is perfect for acne masks

Fruit acids - also rich in bacteria retarding compounds

Banana - the potassium in bananas retard acne bacteria

Tea Tree oil - most essential oils have antibacterial properties but tea tree is also antiseptic and
antimicrobial and is one to the most potent acne fighting oils

Sandalwood oil - another potent antibacterial oïl

Lavender oil - naturally antibacterial and soothing for skin. Also helps to soften skin and prevent scarring

Honey (especially active UMF honey) - honey has been used for thousands of years to treat wounds. It's also healing and moisturizing and helps to prevent scars

Turmeric powder - a natural spice used in ayurvedic medicine known for its medicinal properties
Yogurt - a great base for acne masks with "good" bacteria to help combat acne
These are just a few ingredients with very potent anti bacterial properties. They can also help to guard against acne scars leaving skin soft and conditioned.

You can make masks out of these ingredients, plus with the addition of a few other oils and other beneficial ingredients at home, you can make cleansers or serums that treat acne but don't leave your skin dry and are non irritating.

Many people think or assume that natural acne recipes won't be as effective or powerful as commercial products. This is not the case, and a popular myth that acne product brands are understandably not in a hurry to quash.

Studies show that natural ingredients can in fact help you eliminate acne quickly and permanently, especially when combined the right way in masks and other acne treatments with ingredients like the ones listed above. You can even add some of the essential oils to your existing face cleansers to "convert" them into acne washes without having to buy more products.

There are many more homemade acne treatments you can make using various combinations of ingredients you probably have in your home right now. Essential oils like lavender and tea tree can be bought online or at your local health store, they are handy to use on cuts and grazes and even as cleaners around the home. They last a long long time.

Try your own recipes using honey and yogurt as a base, and adding other ingredients I've listed above.

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